Thursday, January 30, 2003

The worst cookie of the batch becomes the best when all the others are gone

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Here is an example of the type of ongoing fiction story I was talking about... A Twisted Weave - It looks like it hasn't been updated since August
I'm very angry at Handy Smurf and his dumb car.

Monday, January 27, 2003

I had a lot of thoughts walking home from class today. I realized that what I'm most worried about while blogging is coming across the wrong way and people not understanding my viewpoint and possibly getting upset or thinking I'm someone I'm not. Also, I would not post things about my children that would make them upset (I hope). My main reason for posting about my children is because they are the most humorous people I know. They do and say things that are so funny to me (even frustrating moments can be humorous later) and the moment dies as soon as my memory can't recall them anymore. I hope that I am teaching my children to laugh at themselves and if I do silly things, I would hope I would do the same. We all have embarrassing moments or do goofy things, but these things aren't so horrible when we realize that we all have these moments. I also think that we, as humans, are contradictory creatures and may say something one day that we don't agree with the next, which I think is good because I try not to make judgments that can't be persuaded... I believe there are two sides to almost any argument, but I do have some worry over appearing contradictory on here because my contradictions would be logged.

I understood what Rowanstaff said today about having a seperate life online; years ago I chatted in a certain chatroom and felt safe because I was hidden behind my online self. I was appalled when a friend I knew in real life called me by my real name in the chatroom... I felt violated (although I got over it quick enough). I don't chat much anymore, so I don't have that persona to hide behind anymore and don't feel the need for it at this time, but, going through that, I understand the apprehension and respect it.
I like the honesty of Andrea's blog and her willingly admitting that she is selfish and doesn't like commenting on the other blogs. I thought I would comment on the not commenting. I also wanted to mention that back when I was in high school (I graduated 1990), a fellow classmate of mine held a teacher at gunpoint (unloaded). I really felt sorry for him because you know how he looked to society and how he may never overcome the opinions people made of him that day. I don't think he's a wacko, I think he was looking for some sort of attention... something was wrong and, of course, he went about looking for help the wrong way (teenage years are cruel). But, be sure that everyone was whispering furiously that he played D&D. The fact remains that the gun wasn't loaded and did any of it really have a thing to do with D&D or was that just something he liked to do? I get frustrated when people make harsh judgments and even more so when I find myself making them... so maybe I shouldn't judge those that judge so harshly? I can be the most frustrating person I talk to sometimes.... ha!

Sunday, January 26, 2003

As I was reading Andrea's blog, I realized I hadn't formally thanked Ayleen for taking so much of her time on Friday to help me link to everyone else's blogs. Thank you Ayleen, I really appreciate your help! And I agree, Ayleen's blog and her backpack are very organized and enviable. :o)
I went to Walmart *blush* tonight to look for the twist and spell. They didn't have it, so I guess I'm on to other stores or online. I hope it's something my kids will enjoy....

Thursday, January 23, 2003

I have succeeded this week with the spelling battle -- realize I am referring to this week only, however. Spelling practice was done everyday after school since I blogged about it. They took a practice test today and he only missed one and that was due to rushing through and he's smiling because he doesn't have to take the real one tomorrow and can have free time instead.
Rowanstaff, I am happy to report that I haven't heard much more about the padlocking of the backpacks since I suggested using one with a combination rather than a key (nightmares of his teacher calling me about his homework stuck in his backpack with the key god knows where). My oldest was working on learning the combination, but he seems to have gotten bored with the whole thing. :o)
It was nice to see other parents in the class "nod their heads" and find something in my blog worth anything because I was worried it would bore everyone to tears much like hearing every mother you know retell all their childbirth experiences while you are pregnant for the first time (and then you scream at yourself later when you do the same thing to every woman with a protruding belly).

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

My kids fight wearing their boots to school. They don't want to take the time to put their shoes on when they get there. But they want to put padlocks on their backpacks! Anyone see where I'm going with this? If someone wants to take something from your backpack, a padlock won't stop them.. and the time it will take when you want to get in the backpack,,, would this amount to the same time it would take to slip your shoes on? I've seen them put on their shoes... I've seen them open the padlock... I've done the math. Am I possibly going insane? By the way, I did get my youngest to wear his boots today, (the oldest conveniently forgot his in school) but he forgot his shoes here for me to bring to him. haha it's so funny.
I would like to try blogging an ongoing fiction story. Is anyone thinking of doing this for their class blog? I know there are blogs like that out there, I guess I'll have to search around and see what they're doing...
Every morning, same thing--- one child wants to rush off to wait for the bus for half an hour and the other doesn't want to go to school at all - which one doesn't want to do their homework? The one waiting for the bus for half an hour.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Renee I am guilty for shopping at Walmart and I have been there far more often than you have. Of course, this doesn't free you from the guilt; it only makes me one more guilty than you. Ha ha! I go to Walmart because as a single mother of two, I don't have much extra spending cash and their prices are lower. I guess I'm just contributing to the problem. Please don't heckle me. *blush*
As a parent you can never perfect how to deal with your children. Maybe some feel as though they have, but I know I am always trying to be better and I often fail, which is human to do. The investment is huge and if you blow it completely, you have plenty to deal with later on. I am hoping to blog my children in their glory. Today was a battle. Study habits are best learned at a younger age, I feel. My oldest is fighting me on this; he wants to do his homework quickly on Thursday night right before it's due. He doesn't want to practice his spelling and he feels he already knows how to read, so why practice that either? The spelling test - you're given all the answers a week before you have to take the test. Sigh. Time to dig out every trick I know. I don't know how I failed to convey the joy of reading to him, but at this point, I have. When you have more than one child, you realize how different every child is and how many ways it's possible for them to be different. My children are near opposites of each other in most ways.

Friday, January 17, 2003

I am constantly amazed and amused by the utterances of my children. Near everyday they say something that allows me to step back and reflect on the new perspective they give to our lives. I have always wished I had the discipline to record these amusing conversations and hopefully this blog will encourage me to do so.
This is my first entry.